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Domingo 15 Ordinario C - Salmo 68 - Escúchame, Señor, porque eres bueno

MP3 Music Playlist: 

YouTube video:

Download the guitar lead sheet to see all verses:

Musica: Anthony Moran © 2019, Catholic Liturgy in Song
Texto: Leccionarios I, II y III. © 1987, 2004, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana.

Responsorial Psalm 65(66):1-7,16,20 for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - Cry Out With Joy To God, All The Earth

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 65(66):1-7,16,20

Cry out with joy to God, all the earth.

Cry out with joy to God all the earth,
O sing to the glory of His name.
O render Him glorious praise.
Say to God: ‘How tremendous Your deeds!

Cry out with joy to God, all the earth.

‘Before You all the earth shall bow;
shall sing to You, sing to Your name!’
Come and see the works of God,

My Love, Unchanging - Original Composition 2022 - asking your feedback

For all the dreamers and the lovers of this wonderful world!
There is hope and love.
Life and love is a journey, and like a living organism, both has to be tended to and fed.

This song is especially dedicated to my lovely wife, Mimi!!!

Original composition by Rene A, JUN 2022.

Domingo 14 Ordinario C - Salmo 65 - Las obras del Señor son admirables

MP3 Music Playlist: 

YouTube video:

Responsorial Psalm 33(34):2-9 for Saints Peter and Paul - From All My Terrors The Lord Set Me Free

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 33(34):2-9

From all my terrors the Lord set me free.

I will bless the Lord at all times,
His praise always on my lips;
in the Lord my soul shall make its boast.
The humble shall hear and be glad.

From all my terrors the Lord set me free.

Glorify the Lord with me.
Together let us praise His name.
I sought the Lord and He answered me;
from all my terrors He set me free.

Responsorial Psalm 15(16):1-2,5,7-11 for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - O Lord, It Is You Who Are My Portion

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 15(16):1-2,5,7-11

O Lord, it is You who are my portion.

Preserve me, God, I take refuge in You.
I say to the Lord: ‘You are my God.
O Lord, it is You who are my portion and cup;
it is You yourself who are my prize.’

O Lord, it is You who are my portion.

I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel,
who even at night directs my heart.
I keep the Lord ever in my sight:

Make You Feel My Love

Make You Feel My Love.  Written by Bob Dylan in 1997.

This song is dedicated to all my family and friends.

And also to all peoples that do not have anybody to express their love and devotion to.


Domingo 13 Ordinario C - Salmo 15 - Enséñanos, Señor, el camino de la vida

YouTube video:

Download the guitar lead sheet to see all verses:

Musica: Anthony Moran © 2019, Catholic Liturgy in Song
Texto: Leccionarios I, II y III. © 1987, 2004, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana.

Responsorial Psalm 22(23) for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - The Lord Is My Shepherd: There Is Nothing I Shall Want

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 22(23)

The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want.

The Lord is my shepherd;
there is nothing I shall want.
Fresh and green are the pastures
where He gives me repose.
Near restful waters He leads me,
to revive my drooping spirit.

The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want.

He guides me along the right path;
He is true to His name.

Responsorial Psalm 138(139):1-3,13-15 for the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist - I Thank You For The Wonder Of My Being

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 138(139):1-3,13-15

I thank You for the wonder of my being.

O Lord, You search me and You know me,
You know my resting and my rising,
You discern my purpose from afar.
You mark when I walk or lie down,
all my ways lie open to You.

I thank You for the wonder of my being.

For it was You who created my being,
knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Exceptional Pro-Life Songs

Going to a rally this coming week? Get yourself inspired by these songs that will encourage you to stand for life. (originally published January 17, 2008)

Precious Unborn Child by Margo B. Smith

Whispers from Heaven by Donna Lee

Masterpiece by Trish Foti Genco

Oh, Baby of Mine by Elizabeth Schmeidler

My Adopted Son by Katrina Rae

Every Thought and Every Word by Joel Stein

Can You See Me by Bob Metivier

Unborn Victims of Violence by Fr. Stan Fortuna

Responsorial Psalm 109(110):1-4 for Corpus Christi Yr C 2022 - You Are A Priest For Ever, A Priest Like Melchizedek Of Old

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 109(110):1-4

You are a priest for ever, a priest like Melchizedek of old.

The Lord’s revelation to my Master:
‘Sit on my right:
your foes I will put beneath your feet.’

You are a priest for ever, a priest like Melchizedek of old.

The Lord will wield from Zion
your sceptre of power:
rule in the midst of all your foes.

El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo C - Salmo 109 - Tú eres sacerdote para siempre

Salmo responsorial para Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo - Ciclo C - Salmo 109 - Tú eres sacerdote para siempre. Descarga gratuita de partituras en el siguiente enlace. Todos los versos del salmo están disponibles. / Responsorial psalm in Spanish for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), Cycle C. Free download of sheet music at the following link.

Para recibir notificaciones de nuevos salmos cada semana, suscríbase a nuestro canal de YouTube. / To get notifications of new psalms each week, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Gracias por escuchar. Estamos tratando de mejorar nuestras muestras de música. Por favor, dinos lo que piensas. / Thank you for listening. We are trying to improve our music samples. Please tell us what you think.

Music © 2019, Anthony Moran,

Responsorial Psalm 8:4-9 for the Most Holy Trinity - How Great Is Your Name, O Lord Our God, Through All The Earth!

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 8:4-9

How great is Your name, O Lord our God, through all the earth!

When I see the heavens, the work of Your hands,
the moon and the stars which You arranged,
what is man that You should keep him in mind,
mortal man that You care for him?

How great is Your name, O Lord our God, through all the earth!

Yet You have made him little less than a god;
with glory and honour You crowned him,
gave him power over the works of Your hand,
put all things under his feet.

How great is Your name, O Lord our God, through all the earth!

All of them, sheep and cattle,
yes, even the savage beasts,
birds of the air, and fish
that make their way through the waters.

How great is Your name, O Lord our God, through all the earth!

The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

The music for the psalm is an original OLOR composition.

Sing Psalms to the Lord podcast can be listened to here:

Sing Psalms to the Lord YouTube channel can be viewed here:

Music by the Choir of Our Lady of the Rosary RC Church, Verdun, St. John, Barbados.

Music (c) 2022 Michelle A. Sambrano. All rights reserved.

Peace and Love

We need peace and love.
Individually, we need 'em.

In this world, you have to go to war to gain peace, and fight to be able to love.
Very very strange world, we are in.
But, at any rate, we truly need peace and love in our troubled world!!!

This song, I composed, is dedicated to my Grandson, Misiri Kalayaan!!!
All my love to you, and my peace I give you!!!
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