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Domingo 16 Ordinario A – Salmo 85 – Tú, Señor, eres bueno y clemente

Domingo 16 Ordinario A - Salmo 85 - Tú, Señor, eres bueno y clemente. Descarga gratuita de partituras en el siguiente enlace. Todos los versos del salmo están disponibles. / Responsorial psalm in Spanish for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Free download of sheet music at the following link. All the psalm verses are available.

Music © 2019, Anthony Moran,

Originally published

Responsorial Psalm 64(65):10-14 for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - Some Seed Fell Into Rich Soil And Produced Its Crop

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 64(65):10-14 for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Some seed fell into rich soil and produced its crop.

You care for the earth, give it water,
you fill it with riches.
Your river in heaven brims over
to provide its grain.

Some seed fell into rich soil and produced its crop.

And thus you provide for the earth;
you drench its furrows;

Domingo 15 Ordinario A – Salmo 64 – Señor, danos siempre de tu agua

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Salmo Responsorial para Domingo 15 Ordinario A. Salmo 64 - Señor, danos siempre de tu agua. Leccionario: 103. Descarga gratuita de partituras en el siguiente enlace. Todos los versos del salmo están disponibles. / Responsorial psalm in Spanish for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Free download of sheet music at the following link. All the psalm verses are available.

Para recibir notificaciones de nuevos salmos cada semana, suscríbase a nuestro canal de YouTube. / To get notifications of new psalms each week, please subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Gracias por escuchar. Estamos tratando de mejorar nuestras muestras de música. Por favor, dinos lo que piensas. / Thank you for listening. We are trying to improve our music samples. Please tell us what you think. Music © 2019, Anthony Moran,

Originally published

Responsorial Psalm 144(145):1-2,8-11,13b-14 for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - I Will Bless Your Name For Ever, O God My King

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 144(145):1-2,8-11,13b-14 for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

I will bless your name for ever, O God my King.

I will give you glory, O God my king,
I will bless your name for ever.
I will bless you day after day
and praise your name for ever.

I will bless your name for ever, O God my King.

The Lord is kind and full of compassion,
slow to anger, abounding in love.

Domingo 14 Ordinario A – Salmo 144 – Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia

Salmo responsorial para Domingo 14 Ordinario A – Salmo 144 – Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia. Leccionario: 100. Descarga gratuita de partituras en el siguiente enlace. Todos los versos del salmo están disponibles. / Responsorial psalm in Spanish for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Free download of sheet music at the following link. All the psalm verses are available.

Para recibir notificaciones de nuevos salmos cada semana, suscríbase a nuestro canal de YouTube. / To get notifications of new psalms each week, please subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Originally published

Responsorial Psalm 88(89):2-3,16-19 for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - I Will Sing For Ever Of Your Love, O Lord

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 88(89):2-3,16-19 for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.

I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord;
through all ages my mouth will proclaim your truth.
Of this I am sure, that your love lasts for ever,
that your truth is firmly established as the heavens.

I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.

Responsorial Psalm 33(34):2-9 for Saints Peter and Paul - From All My Terrors The Lord Set Me Free

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 33(34):2-9 for the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

From all my terrors the Lord set me free.

I will bless the Lord at all times,
His praise always on my lips;
in the Lord my soul shall make its boast.
The humble shall hear and be glad.

From all my terrors the Lord set me free.

Glorify the Lord with me.
Together let us praise His name.

Solemnidad de san Pedro y san Pablo, Apóstoles - Misa del día - Salmo 33 - El Señor me libró de todos mis temores

Responsorial psalm in Spanish for Solemnidad de san Pedro y san Pablo, Apóstoles (Misa del día). Salmo 33 - El Señor me libró de todos mis temores. Download free sheet music here:

Musica: Anthony Moran © 2019, Catholic Liturgy in Song
Texto: Leccionarios I, II y III. © 1987, 2004, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana.

Domingo 13 Ordinario A - Salmo 88 - Proclamaré sin cesar la misericordia del Señor

YouTube video:

Responsorial psalm in Spanish for Domingo 13 Ordinario A (13th Sunday in Ordinary Time A). Salmo 88 - Proclamaré sin cesar la misericordia del Señor.

Download the guitar lead sheet here to see all verses:

Responsorial Psalm 68(69):8-10,14,17,33-35 for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - In Your Great Love, Answer Me, O Lord

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 68(69):8-10,14,17,33-35 for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

In your great love, answer me, O Lord.

It is for you that I suffer taunts,
that shame covers my face,
that I have become a stranger to my brothers,
an alien to my own mother’s sons.
I burn with zeal for your house
and taunts against you fall on me.

In your great love, answer me, O Lord.

Natividad de san Juan Bautista - Misa del día - Salmo 138 - Te doy gracias, Señor, porque me has formado maravillosamente

Psalm in Spanish for Natividad de san Juan Bautista - Misa del día. Salmo 138 - Te doy gracias, Señor, porque me has formado maravillosamente.

Download sheet music here:

Musica: Anthony Moran © 2019, Catholic Liturgy in Song
Texto: Leccionarios I, II y III. © 1987, 2004, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana.

Responsorial Psalm 138[(139):1-3,13-15 for the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist - I Thank You For The Wonder Of My Being

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 138(139):1-3,13-15 for the Navity of Saint John, the Baptist - Mass of the Day

I thank You for the wonder of my being.

O Lord, You search me and You know me,
You know my resting and my rising,
You discern my purpose from afar.
You mark when I walk or lie down,
all my ways lie open to You.

I thank You for the wonder of my being.

For it was You who created my being,

Domingo 12 Ordinario A – Salmo 68 – Escúchame, Señor, porque eres bueno

Salmo responsorial para 21 de junio 2020. Domingo 12 Ordinario A - Salmo 68 - Escúchame, Señor, porque eres bueno. Leccionario: 94. Descarga gratuita de partituras en el siguiente enlace. Todos los versos del salmo están disponibles. / Responsorial psalm in Spanish for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Free download of sheet music at the following link. All the psalm verses are available. 

Para recibir notificaciones de nuevos salmos cada semana, suscríbase a nuestro canal de YouTube. / To get notifications of new psalms each week, please subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Originally published

Responsorial Psalm 99(100):1-3,5 for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A - We are His People, The Sheep Of His Flock

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Responsorial Psalm 99(100):1-3,5 for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

We are His people, the sheep of His flock.

Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness.
Come before Him, singing for joy.

We are His people, the sheep of His flock.

Know that He, the Lord, is God.
He made us, we belong to Him,
we are His people, the sheep of His flock.

Communist Songs Reimagined as Catholic Anthems

The past couple of years, I've been working on a concept album where I have "redeemed" Communist Party propaganda songs as Catholic anthems.  This site, Richard the Webmaster, and many of you whom I've met here have been extremely supportive! I'd like to announce the album, "Communist Songs Reimagined as Catholic Anthems".  These songs are unusual and often a fresh take on ideas and may be useful for catechesis and other areas.   Here's a link to this on several major music services: Communist Songs Reimagined as Catholic Anthems I'm also linking to a favorite from the album:
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