Richard Schletty

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I want to write songs that give glory and honor to God. I also want to be a good cantor and guitarist in church. I want to help people discover good Catholic music and help others realize their own musical talents.
Richard Schletty is a performing songwriter from St. Paul's West Side where he and his wife Pat have been raising seven kids. Schletty is an experienced cantor, songleader and choral singer. He sang at Masses, funerals and weddings for many years at St. Matthew's Catholic Church on Saint Paul's West Side. He currently sings at St. Mary's Catholic Church in downtown St. Paul. Richard has sung with Waltham Abbey Singers, a local Renaissance-Baroque choir which performs sacred music a cappella. Director: Brian Link. Richard has done gigs in local coffee shops, singing his own Folk-Rock originals. As a member of the Minnesota Association of Songwriters, the Minnesota Association of Christian Songwriters and the Catholic Association of Music, he is striving to improve the form and content of his songwriting and the resonance of his solo public performances of Folk-Rock and Praise music. A major opus called "Hungry For Heaven" is in formation with excellent composer, guitarist and synth instrumentalist David Gómez Sanz, who lives in Spain. It is just one of many internet collaborations Richard has done since the summer of the 2004. Schletty uses his Macintosh computer to tap into collaborators via email, music sharing web sites and FTP file transfer. His favored program for digital recording, sequencing and mixing is Apple Logic Studio. Richard's college buddies from St. John's U in Collegeville, MN, formed a band in the early 70s called Rocka-Rolla. They still get together once or twice every three years to perform early rock classics for smallish crowds.
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