Recent blog posts

My Dear Guardian Angel
Responsorial Psalm 144(145):10-11,15-18 for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B - You Open Wide Your Hand, O Lord, And Grant Our Desires
Domingo 17 Ordinario B - Salmo 114 - Bendeciré al Señor eternamente
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Domingo 16 Ordinario B - Salmo 22 - El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará
The Lord's Day
Responsorial Psalm 22(23) for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B - The Lord Is My Shepherd: There Is Nothing I Shall Want
Domingo 15 Ordinario B - Salmo 84 - Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia
You Purify Us
Responsorial Psalm for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B - Let Us See, O Lord, Your Mercy, And Give Us Your Saving Help
One Father of ALL
Domingo 14 Ordinario B - Salmo 122 - Ten piedad de nosotros, ten piedad
Responsiorial Psalm 122(123) for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B - Our Eyes Are On The Lord, ’Til He Show Us His Mercy
The Lord Comes to Save
HYMN OF THE MONTH – July: Jesus, Teach Me How To Pray
Hymn of the Month: July - Jesus, Teach Me How To Pray
Psalm 138 *
Domingo 13 Ordinario B - Salmo 29 - Te alabaré, Señor, eternamente
Solemnidad de san Pedro y san Pablo, Apóstoles - Misa del día - Salmo 33 - El Señor me libró de todos mis temores
Responsorial Psalm 33(34):2-9 for Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles - From All My Terrors The Lord Set Me Free
Hymn Research
Queen of Prophets
When Peace, Like A River
Sacred Heart
Two new singles
Catholic Palooza 2024 (music festival near NYC)
Responsorial Psalm 106(107):23-26, 28-32 for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - O Give Thanks To The Lord, For His Love Endures For Ever
Natividad de san Juan Bautista - Misa del día - Salmo 138 - Te doy gracias, Señor, porque me has formado maravillosamente
Domingo 12 Ordinario B - Salmo 106 - Demos gracias al Señor por su bondades
Hail Holy Queen
Responsorial Psalm 91(92):2-3,13-16 for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - It Is Good To Give You Thanks, O Lord
Domingo 11 Ordinario B - Salmo 91 - Qué bueno es darte gracias, Señor
Abide With Me
In Your Son Abide
Responsorial Psalm 129[130] for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B - With The Lord There Is Mercy And Fullness Of Redemption
Domingo 10 Ordinario B - Salmo 129 - Perdónanos, Señor, y viviremos
HYMN OF THE MONTH – June: I Need Thee, Precious Jesus
O Divine Spirit
Responsorial Psalm Isaiah 12 for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Year B - With Joy You Will Draw Water From The Wells Of Salvation
Solemnidad del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús - Salmo 22 - El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará
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