ronsue's blog


MP3 Music Playlist: 
Sheer imagination pure Joy - sultry summer sun pounds the ground 
as a drum and an all-night rain relieves the earth of thirst - Pure imagination sheer Joy - bubbling summer brook lush green grass everywhere you look -  gentle cool breeze the world’s at ease at peace
Sheer imagination pure Joy dancing campfire light paints aglow the night The stars silence lures you to sleep and you fall - a vision appears Bright simple and clear of life as will be in light that we’ll see of Him 
Whose is God and man in eternity - eternally

True Friend

MP3 Music Playlist: 
Dying and not even knowing empty and sick of it  What he treasured 
Gone by all his pleasures run dry cruising online trying to find anything to fill his insatiable mind - hours and not filling it tired of 
Cruising it Thoughts flashed in his head as he crawled into bed
Wrestles and wired and oh so tired of his life and work and not knowing why tossing and turning he heard the phone ringing  an old friend calling from twenty years passing talking online to a friend
So fine filled his eyes with tears the first time in twenty years.

Honeysuckle Sweet

MP3 Music Playlist: 
After a somewhat difficult day at work( I worked 33 yeas as a special needs teacher) my wife greeted me with her usual smile and hence this song.
The air laced with honeysuckle sweet - cool clear freshwater ah what a treat. Wildflower fields waiving in the southern afternoon breeze. Just resting my pilgrim feet on the road today they took some heat. I’m not complainin I’m just sayin thanks for the relief.


MP3 Music Playlist: 
LYRICS: In the light of the dawn there’s mystery that we can see. The silence 
Speaks of the majesty of the rising Sun. All creation waits for the  
Glorious rays to break in resplendent Joy. Heaven and earth kiss in 
Golden mist that shimmers in the air. You can sense the world spin as
Dawn colors in the heavens with light. There wisdom gives her sweet 
Delight for those who seek her. All her gifts she spreads as a glorious 
Feast for you, food of divine life. In the Song of the dawn there’s a 
Melody of the kingdom’s coming fullness The distant sound of the 
Angel’s horn of the approaching King. All creation yearns for His 
Glorious day to break unto exultant praise.


MP3 Music Playlist: 
Winepress LYRICS

Let Us Delight in You

MP3 Music Playlist: 
                                                        Let us delight in You
 A                                        G
O dear Father of all the living

O Give Thanks

MP3 Music Playlist: 

Of King and Queen

MP3 Music Playlist: 

One work of the Holy Spirit is to give us discernment of the signs of the time we live in . While we know we always live in the Love and power of the good Lord, we are GIVEN signs to help us live in our particular times.  This song lists some of those signs of our times. Where sin aboundeth all the more grace. When a particular is is unusually dark the  Good Lord pours out his grace to help us through it I was a fallen away Catholic who went the way of the 60's sex, drugs, and rock'n roll, but by the GRACE of God and through the prayers of so many of His people,my wife and were led back to the Lord and His Church.

                                            Of KING AND QUEEN
AM                               F                           AM                 F
The air is filled with electric babble.  Satan’s fury raging rattle.
AM                                   F                     Bb  F      C        Bb         F     C


Wrote this song 20 years ago and rewrote it and recorded it last year. Here is the link to Youtube


Singing and dancing like a little boy Spinning and whirling with heavenly joy
 Skipping and singing like a little girl
 Flying and singing like a little bird
 Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice
Held in your heavenly Father’s Hand Living forever in his Kingdom Land
Born under your Holy Mother”s heart She’s the perfect model form to learn your part
Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice
Singing with angels in harmony Singing with Joseph and Mary Singing with Our Lord and Lady Dancing in pure Divine Glory
Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice

Be Still and Know

D   G    D     G        C               G            EM                     D              C
Be still and know that I am God Your heart’s divine desire. And bathed 
         G                          C                        D    G           C                                     G
yourself in my pure love and know my joy and peace. I am Love and truth 
        D            G
The one you seek
D     G          D     G               C                                       EM                             D 
Our Hearts are filled with wonder, as we contemplate your works O Lord
             C      G                        C                                  D  G
You inspire us to seek and live in your most Holy Will.
Be Still_____
D/G D  G            C           G               Em                                    D             C  
Live in humble simplicity in total trust in my divine mercy and unite your 
G                                        C                               G              D                     C 
Suffering with my compassion for all our suffering brothers and sisters
C                          G                                          D                 G    
And unite your suffering with My Eucharistic Sacrifice.
Be Still and know_____
D           G   D   G               C              G                   EM       D
Wait in joyful hope and childlike fear for I am faithful
D              C               G                             C                   G
Through trials and drought, I teach you  to persevere
                          C               D             C/G
And draw you near as a child so dear

BE Still and Know_____

You can hear this song written and recorded in the past few days on my YouTube channel with the following link

Remember Me

MP3 Music Playlist: 
I wrote this song in 1999 about the exchange between Jesus and the man crucified on his right side.
You can hear this son and dozens of others on my YouTube channel Ronald St Martin Songs Thanks Ron

Maranatha link and lyrics

Here is the YouTube link to a recent song I wrote and recorded     
Here are the lyrics:
Maranatha Maranatha Maranatha
 From every land and tongue Songs are sung
For you to come O come in glory
All creation groans and longs to be Free from its cycle of futility
In joyful hope and expectation All generations
Have prayed for you to bring us home
Maranatha Maranatha Maranatha
We trust in your mercy
We hope in you
In your passion, death, and resurrection You promised to be close to us Through all our years
As we pilgrim through this vale of tears Your Father prunes us back Everyday

New Member songwriter

MP3 Music Playlist: 
I have a YouTube channel with about 70 song I wrote and recorded mostly in the 1990's on a four-track Tascam recorder. The YouTube channel is called Ronald St Martin Songs
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