In The Culture of Life

MP3 Music Playlist: 
When I was engaged in sidewalk counseling at two abortion "clinics in R.I. I wrote this song. about twenty five years ago.


Sidewalk counseling

Good words expressed artfully. Thank you for sharing this.

More songs like this are needed to help turn the tide of the culture of death. A few years ago, I co-wrote a song about abortion with Sharon Shultz and recorded it.

Daddy (a song about loss)

My wife and I also did some sidewalk counseling. That is a really hard task. So much venom is encountered when witnessing for life and offering an alternative/choice to women and men in distress about an unplanned pregnancy.

Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |

Yes Sidewa;k counseling is

Yes Sidewalk counseling is very difficult and is a last resort, as well as probably the worst environment do do any sort of counseling. We had a lot of prayer support and that made all the difference. Thanks for the comment. Ron  
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