Child of Eternal Love by Richard Schletty

MP3 Music Playlist: 

A Colorful ChristmasChild of Eternal Love is an Advent-Christmas hymn composed by Richard Schletty (lyrics and melody). It was was released on a wonderfully diverse Christmas album by Fetal Records called "A Colorful Christmas" in October of 2015. You can find the song at iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon Music and Spotify. You may preview the song from this page.

Digital download of the album is available now, direct from Fetal Records.

A Colorful Christmas is a collection of Christmas songs, original and covers, in multiple genres by a diverse group of passionate and inspiring artists with different backgrounds. Featuring Internationally known bluesman Charlie Sayles, Tony Fazio, Scott Taylor, Richard Schletty, Greg Phillips, Subsidiarity, Law & Order, Ken Wenzel, and Jane Kraemer. “If you build it, they will come.” And so they came and came in force. Twelve originals and six traditional covers.

If you would like the sheet music for song, write to me. I'd love to have someone perform it.

Text and tune: Richard Schletty.
Lead guitar: Alberto Ayuso Domingo.
Rhythm guitar: David Gomez Sanz.
Piano: André van Haren.
Vocals: Richard Schletty.

Child of Eternal Love

[verse 1]
God, in glory, brings a star so bright.
A Son is born in a bed of barley hay.
Behold the Savior, our New Light,
Child of Eternal Love, Shepherd of the way.

[verse 2]
Mary, full of grace, will know the sorrow and the joy
of bringing forth the One Whom the prophets long foretold.
Joseph, by her side, will help raise up the Boy,
Child of Eternal Love, Flower to unfold.

Praise the Father of all creation
Praise the Son who conquers death
Praise the Spirit with jubilation
Grow God's love with every breath


[verse 3]
In the dark of night, in the winter chill,
We lift our prayers to the Trinity above.
Oh come, new Tree of Life, our hope fulfilled:
A Child of Promise of Eternal Love.


Copyright © 2008 Richard Schletty

Originally published

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Very beautiful  Music and

Very beautiful  Music and lyrics!
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