The Catholic Church Is Right about Everything

The following is a personal statement from a principal member of the "Quirk and Catholic" band Captain Hogcurl's Dacha Porch:

I grew up a dedicated Christian as an evangelical Protestant.  Though I had thought through whether or not I was in the "right church" many times (this was a preoccupation of sorts with many folks in my particular denomination),  I never took the Catholic Church seriously until I took a graduate class that concerned economics and population growth.  During a particular lecture the realization hit me, "The Catholic Church is right about birth control."  From there, I began to take Catholicism with more weight and four years later I was reconciled to the Church.  Since that time I've not only noticed how the Catholic Church is confirming truths in my particular field of work (I'm a professor of economics at a community college*) but I've allowed it to also form my views of economics itself, opening me up to the changing nature of new research in my field.  Though we're always learning more about economics, everything confirms or enhances the Catholic view of things.  And in fact, my field is dark without some kind of moral arc or philosophy to guide it.  And Catholicism fits best.  

Our single "The Catholic Church Is Good" backed with "He Gave His Body" just hit music services today, though many of you have seen it on YouTube or downloaded it here on Top Catholic Songs.  I'm linking the Spotify for you in case you want to hear it again or link to us there.  

* for those of you outside the USA, a "community college" here means an institution that provides accessible education for the first two years of university or for a technical or certificate program that is post-high school.  



I like guitar work in "He

I like guitar work in "He Gave His Body"
This music needs to be played on Holy Land themed  carousel!
I don't know if one exists, but it should. 

Thank you!

Hey Brian, 

Thank you so much for your encouraging words.  Yes, let's get on this carousel, if it exists! Haha.  

The Roman Catholic Carousel

That's an excellent idea! I can visualize the Catholic Carousel.

Richard Schletty | Schletty Design and Music |

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